Monday, January 3, 2011

Mason's Address in France

Elder Mason Taft Morgan
Les missionaires
223 A05, blvd, Valmy
59650 Villeneuve D'Ascq

He'd LOVE to get letters from you! Please write! :)

Below is a letter from the mission office about sending packages.

Dear Parents of Missionaries,

We appreciate the privilege of having your missionary serve here in the France Paris Mission. We know our missionaries are doing the work of the lord. Missionaries cherish mail and packages from home. We realize that much time, thought, and effort (and in some cases expense) go into packages from home. To ensure successful and timely delivery, please consider the following guidelines:
1. Always ensure that sufficient postage is attached to the article.
2. Verify the recipient and sender addresses, making sure they are clearly labelled in neat handwriting or that stickers are sufficiently large.
3. Never forget to mark the country of destination and origin.
4. The larger the package, the more beat up it can get and the more likely it is to rip open. Use tape to seal all edges and ensure there is nothing inside the wrapping that would rip open the packaging.
5. Never send cash in the post. This is against French law.
6. Shipping with UPS or FedEx will require your missionary to pay a tax upon reception. Shipping with these providers is strongly discouraged.
7. You may consider using ‘registered mail’ which requires a signature on delivery and can usually be tracked online.
8. Remember that sending packages to the Mission office address (i.e. to Le VĂ©sinet) will mean that the missionary will have to wait longer to receive them. The office only distributes postal items at zone conferences and interviews, both of which take place only once every 6 weeks. This also means that the missionary has to carry their item all the way home from the conference or interview, usually on public transportation.
9. Easter and Christmas packages sent to the office should arrive at the very latest of three weeks before the event. The office does not have the ability to forward packages. Not sending your packages well in advance may mean that your missionary won’t receive them when you want most for them to enjoy them
10. Don’t send packages within two weeks of a transfer date, unless your service guarantees you a timely delivery.
11. Packages should not be larger than 2 ordinary plastic shopping bags (at full capacity). Because we have many other items such as missionary supplies to deliver in our vehicles, we don’t have space for large packages for all of our missionaries. Big packages pose problems and may be delayed in delivery.
12. Because of widely different circumstances among families of our missionaries, we endorse the practice of parents occasionally sending something to their missionary’s companion. Also a letter to your missionary’s companion at a holiday season may fill a real need.
13. Remember not to send anything that would distract your missionary from his/her work, such as inappropriate music, literature, posters, etc.

Thank you for your help and understanding. The France Paris Mission

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