Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hi momma!

I was bummed I didnt get to hear from you today! But I am sure you are super, super busy so I totally understand.

This past week was a lot of fun. Not a whole lot of missionary work just because it was New Years and Elder Butel got pretty sick. But we are both super excited to have a normal week this week without any sickness or holidays so we can just get to work.

I didnt know this until about Wednesday but our area actually goes all the way up into Belgium! So last Thursday we went to teach somebody who lives in a Belge City Called Mouscron. It was a lot of fun. It was funny though cause you take a bus across the border and there arent even any signs that tell you that you are officially entering Belgium or Leaving France. Ha ha!

I am currently working on 2 suprises for you. both should be ready by next Monday! So get ready!

Me and Elder Butel are getting along just great still! We are having a blast and working well together. Something I have really been enjoying is cooking our own meals! We dont have Mangez-vous's very often but that is not such a bad thing. We have been eating a ton of pasta. Last night we had some fish with rice and peas and carrots.

Last night we got to teach for the first time in a while. We talked with an older man named Joseph. It felt so good to actually being doing work again! The holidays are kind of a rough few first weeks to spend in the mission. I dont understand at all how somebody could serve their 2 years and not work hard. It would be completely Miserable! Working hard is what makes missionaries happy, and in a sense it's what makes a mission possible. I have been given some pretty great oppurtunites to see just how working hard either makes or breaks you on a mission. And I am greatful to have learned that and been given those Experiences so early on in my mission.... Some of them before I ever even arrived in France!

My French is still coming along just great. The members are all fairly impressed and say that it is evident that I am making a lot of progress just based on speaking to them these past 2 Sundays. I am understanding more and more every day.

I finished reading Mathew yesterday and I am halfway through Mark now for my personal study. There is so much to read and to learn on your mission and I am going to really try and take advantage of my personal study! I'm pretty lucky to have somebody who speaks such good french for a companion! He has really been helping me. We are constantly setting new goals that we feel will help us be better missionaries and one of those happen to be speaking French ONLY outside of the apartment.

Anyways I wanna hear all about your new years and how everything is going for you! so make sure and email me back before next Monday! Tell me how things are going with Brad and the rest of the family!

Oh so my new years! We ended up doing Finding as a District on Friday Morning at Republic De Beauxarts in Lille for about an hour. We mixed up all the companions and I was with Elder HIll for a little bit. We passed out a few Book of Mormons (which is actually tougher than you think it would be here) and then after that we all went and got Kebabs. (That is the fun thing to do here... go to a Kebab shop and get Sandwhiches.) They are super good. Anyways after that Elder Butel was still kinda sick so we headed back to the apartment for a while. Our P-day officially started at 6 pm on New Years Eve so once that hit Me and Elder Butel went over to the Lille Elders Apartment (there are 4 elders who all live in the same apartment there) and we had a cheese and champony (fake champagne kinda like sparkling cider) party. It was pretty fun. But we had to be back at our apartment by 9:30 so we had to leave the party a little early. But oh well.

The next morning we got to sleep in and we actually both slept in until about 10:30! It wasn't a good sleep and I really had to try hard just to sleep in that late but it felt good.... Well not really I was tired for the rest of the day. But it was fun to be able to sleep in and be lazy for a morning. That was pretty much the extent of my New Years. So yeah! Tell me all about yours!

I love ya mom! Hope you are doing just great!

-Elder Morgan

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