Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hey mom,

Soo just a heads up..... Dont think you are going to be getting a video this week. Sorry :( Things just didnt work out today and I dont see it happening. But I just wanted to say thanks so much for your email. Tell Brad that I appreciated his email as well.

Things are going really well here. Kinda frustrated right now with all the computers here in France. Its totally our fault. We wanted to start using the computers at the church instead of paying to use computers at an internet cafe because.... well they are free. But I dont think we are going to be able to do that anymore. I tried sending the video for this week, there were 2 actually, but because the computers are so horrible here, It ended up deleteing one of the videos off of my camera in the process. So in the end, I wasnt able to send either video and one of them got deleted. I will try to send the other next week. Sorry :/ Me and Elder Jensen decided that we are gonna just go to the internet cafe from now on so it should be easier to send the videos!

Anyways, on a happier note. Things are really going great here. Yesterday, church was great. I had promised myself at the beginning of my mission to bear my testimony every fast sunday, but yesterday there just wasnt enough time. And I figured since I had already shared it several times in this ward, that I would make sure that everybody else who wanted to share their testimony would have the time if they wanted to. And it ended up that honestly, I didnt have time! At first I was kinda bummed but then I realized there was no reason to be.

Grae..... Can you please make sure that she is there so I can have some time to talk to just her? I would really like that. I know she just got a job and she might not be able to make it so tell her I understand if she cant, but that I would really love it if I got to talk to her!

Andy! Oh man I am SOOOO excited for Andrew. I think about him and how happy he will be when he gets out quite often. I will continue to pray that he will be able to go to Ohio for the wedding! Have you gotten a video camera yet?????

The weather here has been pretty mixed lately. We had a week where it was pretty hot, and then a week straight of wind that led into thunderstorms and rain showers. Which I loved. It always smells so good right after it rains for the first time in a while! Yesterday and Today have been perfect. Not too hot, not too cold, and a nice little occasional breeze.

Me and Elder Jensen are working really hard. Yesterday gave out 4 book of mormons after church. It was a pretty successful day. But After all that sunlight, walking, and fasting, we were pretty tired at the end of the day! We have been trying to exercise more in the mornings and be EXACTLY obedient. Its not always easy but Elder Jensen and I are doing really well.

Some people can be a little tough to love sometimes. But the people that we get to stop and talk to I think its fairly easy to say that I start loving them right away. Its probably something I need to work on. But, occasionally there are people that well..... just make it a little tougher than normal.

Dinner with the Toulemonde family was amazing. Veronique is so sweet. She always makes a big HUGE meal whenever we come over. And because we were there on Easter Sunday she really went all out. Clem was not there but his little Brother Pierre was there and we had a great time all together.

As far as teaching and amies. We have been having lots of encounters with Jehovahs Witnesses here. Our one main super strong ami Li decided to invite us and the Temoin Jehovahs over for the same rendez vous. That was a little awkward but we must have done something right because he said he didnt plan on inviting them back. Other than that, church was pretty cool yesterday and I felt the spirit really strongly at a couple points. One of the members that we taught Li with bore her testimony on how it strengthened her own testimony and it was cool to see how much she enjoyed teaching with us. I am really loving this ward here. There are some great people. I am excited for you to meet some of them after my misison!

Anyways mom, I should get going. I am going to try and reply to Brads email really quickly. He asked some interesting questions and I am going to do my best to answer them. Hopefully he will let you read them :p anyways I love you so much. I hope you have a WONDERFUL time in Ohio and Iowa! Tell everybody I say Hi and that I love them and miss them. Feel free to share my email address with anybody who wants to send me and email or even my snail mail address if they want. But once again I love you and have a great week!

Elder Morgan

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