Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hey mom!

I hope you dont mind but I decided to write a letter to Grae this week! But I copy and pasted the letter below! I had a great birthday as you will see and am still enjoying the WONDERFUL PACKAGE you sent me :) I had a great week too! Thanks so much for your email! It made me so happy! I love you mom. You're the best mom in the world!! Everyone needs a mom like you :) Thanks for the facebook things too! That really made me smile as well!

Love you mom!
Elder Morgan


Thats awesome! I am so excited for you! So when you say catering orders, do you ever get to leave olive garden to go and cater events or do you mainly stay at the restaurant? And what is your pay like? Is it consistent or is it based on your tips?

Anyways I have had a great week. I hope you dont mind but I think instead of emailing mom I will just right a long email to you today and I hope it doesnt bother you too much but I will forward the email to mom!

So yesterday was my birthday! I got a huge package from mom about a week or two ago and it was awesome. I have tons of cake mixes along with Jello and Pudding! Its awesome.

I had kind of a funny week though. You remember how mom used to always ask us what we wanted for breakfast on our birthdays and she would make us absolutely anything we wanted. Well mom had shipped me a package of Malt-o-Meal not to long ago and I was planning on making a big huge bowl of it for my birthday! So I got myself all excited for it and made the plans for "my birthday breakfast'. The funny part is while I knew my birthday would fall on a sunday this year.... I completely spaced the fact that is was a fast sunday!!! HA HA A I thought that was soo funny. You can immagine how silly I felt on saturday night before I went to bed when this finally hit me. Anyways I had another funny experience on Saturday.

We were invited by a non-practicing Catholic person to come to a big meal that was hosted by the catholic church (we came to help serve the food and clean up afterwords). Well, needless to say the catholic priest that I was assigned to sit next to durring the meal had no idea that the Mormom Missionaries were invited and was not very happy. But we ended up talking a little bit and I turned out to be a good experience. After words I was assigned to the kitchen to help do all the dishes.... along with 3 old nuns :) Ha ha They, too, at first were a little cold. But, I just went to work as hard as I could with big smile and did everything I could to help out. By the end they were asking me to help them speak English and in turn were teaching me new words in French. Right before I was about to leave they asked me how old I was. I told them that my 21st birthday was the following day and before I could say anything all three of these sweet old ladies came up to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek! Ha ha!! It was absolutely hilarious! Especially because here
in France it is normal for people to kiss each other on the cheek when saying hi or goodbye but for missionaries it is not allowed at all. However, as I wasnt expecting to be swarmed by 3 Catholic nuns I didn't think for one second that I would need to explain this rule. Ha ha!! But it made me feel happy.

Yesterday, when I was at church I didnt tell anybody it was my birthday. But I usually sit next to British Couple who lives here but dont speak French so that I can translate for them. They are the Caswells and Sister Caswell is one of my favorite members here. She reminds me a lot of mom and seems to have had many of the same difficulties as our family has faced, so I think I feel closer to her for that. Well long story short she must of "snooped" and looked in my planner when I had it out and found out that it was my birthday and she went around a told a few people and they sang happy birthday to me after church. It was nice. Anyways those are my funny stories for the week.

Well Grae, I am running out of time! The hour we have to do emails goes by sooo fast! But I just wanted to say thanks so much for your email! It made me happy just to see I had recieved an email from you :) I love you Grae! I hope you are doing well! Now its your turn to tell me what is going on with you! How are things in Seattle!? Tell me about your plans for school and what you want to study/major in?!

Okay Grae, I love you soo much! Take Care and write me back! Even if its just a little bit I would love to get another email from you next week!! Dont be overwhelmed with all the questions, just write what you can okay!? Love you, Grae :)

Love, your brother,

Elder Morgan

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